Media, Information and Digital Literacy Organisations in Europe
We are compiling a list of media, information and digital literacy-related organisations throughhout Europe. Click the + buttons to see organisations listed by country. This is by no means a comprehensive list (yet), however if you would like to add your organisation, append your organisation’s information or you have any suggestions to add then please get in touch with us at [email protected].
GAPMIL – Global Alliance for Partnerships on Media and Information Literacy
“The Global Alliance for Partnerships on Media and Information Literacy (GAPMIL) is a groundbreaking effort to promote international cooperation to ensure that all citizens have access to media and information competencies. Yet, organizations from over eighty countries have agreed to join forces and stand together for change.This pioneering initiative was launched during the Global Forum for Partnerships on Media and Information Literacy (MIL) which took place from 26 to 28 June 2013.”
European Charter for Media Literacy
“The aims of the Charter are;
- to foster greater clarity and wider consensus in Europe on media literacy and media education;
- to raise the public profile of media literacy and media education in each European nation, and in Europe as a whole.
- to encourage the development of a permanent and voluntary network of media educators in Europe, bound together by their common aims, and enabled by their institutional commitment.”
“Citizens must be equipped with the skills to utilise, and benefit from, media. In recognition of this need, the ultimate focus of this Study is to contribute to the development of national educational policies to fit into a supportive European legal framework, aimed at promoting lifelong learning media education. The consortium vaunts a broad knowledge base: it includes all the organisations and experts who have delivered the most significant research at European level on this subject in the last 3 years. In addition to the selected national experts, the United Nations and UNESCO support the Study as associated partners.”
The first European Congress on Media Literacy brought together people in Media Literacy in Belfast in 2004.
Euromeduc organised a second congress for further exchange and reflection, addressed to professionals, researchers and other practitioners involved in media education; policy-makers in education and politics; and representatives from the media industry and the European institutions. The congress provided an opportunity for exchange in order to address the major issues concerning Media Literacy in Europe, at a time when this field is gaining in appreciation. It produced education recommendations and suggestions for action.
The Mentor Project arose from the seminar on Educación de Medios de Comunicación in Sevilla, in February 2002 and was sponsored by UNESCO. In the first phase, the target of Mentor Project was initial training of secondary level teachers. In order to achieve this objective, Mentor Project created a shared media education module for the Mediterranean Basin countries. The innovation of the project is in the will to think about Media Education. For this, it proposed to gather experts and professionals from different countries. After a common reflection, it was possible to propose the prototypes of CV, contents, schedules and eventually actions that aimed at the initial training of the teachers.
Telecentre Europe is a European non-for-profit organisation (NGO) and a member based association with a central office in Brussels, Belgium. They represent publicly funded telecentres/telecentre networks, ICT learning centres, adult education centres and libraries across Europe where children and adults can access the Internet, learn the latest digital skills and keep up to date with technology and community developments.
ECDL Foundation is an international organisation dedicated to raising digital competence standards in the workforce, education and society. Our certification programmes, delivered through an active network in more than 100 countries, enable individuals and organisations to assess, build and certify their competence in the use of computers and digital tools to the globally-recognised ECDL standard, known as ICDL worldwide.
MILION – the Media and Information Literacy Observatory – was born as a tool that was to provide analysis and information, useful for countries and regions, regarding the very current and strategic issue of the Media and Information Literacy, i.e. the capacity to access, evaluate, understand, create and disseminate information through various Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) that exist nowadays. The Observatory will investigate, analyse and provide data and information on the situation and on the progress in the area of media and information literacy on an international level.
Media Coach is a transnational initiative of media resource centres in Europe that share the opinion that an increased level of media literacy through professional media coaches will help the development of our modern ’knowledge’ societies. We offer training opportunities for teachers, teacher training colleges, libraries and social community centres.
European Children’s Film Association
ECFA offers a communication panel promoting new ways of co-operation within Europe in the fields of production, festivals, distribution, exhibition and film education. “We want to create a positive attitude towards European films for children – also in its economic and political aspects.” ECFA is convinced that European films for children and young people could not only succeed, but could also find a profitable audience. Children and young people are not only the future of our society, but also an important part of it here and now, with enormous emotional, cultural and of course material needs
NORDICOM is a knowledge centre in the field of media and communication research, a cooperation between the five countries of the Nordic region – Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth and Media founded by NORDICOM is to increase awareness and knowledge about children, youth and media. Providing information and knowledge about new research findings and positive examples will hopefully offer a solid basis for relevant policy-making, contributions to a constructive public debate, and an enhancement of children’s and young people’s media literacy and media competence.
Media Initiatives Center promotes freedom of expression and open media. Towards this end, MIC organizes training courses for established and emerging journalists, promotes media literacy, advocates for improved media legislation and protects journalists’ rights. The NGO develops media production on human rights, European integration, civic conflict, migration, elections, national minorities, gender and many other issues for a wide range of target audiences.
Safer Internet Armenia‘ s mission is to raise awareness about Internet risks, privacy and security issues among general population. They organize training programs for schools, offer teaching materials, run nation-wide information campaigns, surveys, round tables and media events. bundles all information on digital media literacy. to impart knowledge, people qualify and make all learning opportunities in Austria visible at a glance.
The Education Group is a leading center of the educational landscape with innovative character, high media competence and pedagogical know-how in front of a well-founded technical background. They create solutions for social and educational requirements through the coordinated interaction between education, people, media and technology. is the information and coordination centre for safer internet use and media competence in Austria. supports internet users, with a special focus on children, youth, parents and educators, in safer use of digital media. The rich portfolio of ongoing activities includes the website, free school resources and booklets, workshops and helpline services throughout Austria, as well as networking with relevant players and being a contact point for journalists.
Evens Foundation “The Evens Foundation is a public benefit foundation based in Antwerp, Belgium and with offices in Paris and Warsaw. The Evens Foundation initiates and supports sustainable projects, and awards biennial prizes, that contribute to the progress and strengthening of Europe based on cultural and social diversity. The Evens Foundation initiates, develops and supports projects that encourage citizens and nations to live together harmoniously in a diverse Europe in the world. It promotes respect for diversity, both individual and collective, and works to strengthen people’s physical, psychological and moral integrity.”
“We drive digital innovation for society and economy, through strategic and applied research on key digital technologies.”
“European Schoolnet is the network of 30 European Ministries of Education, based in Brussels. As a not-for-profit organisation, we aim to bring innovation in teaching and learning to our key stakeholders: Ministries of Education, schools, teachers, researchers, and industry partners.”
“L’éducation aux médias est au coeur du projet de Média Animation. C’est avant tout un projet “politique ” et un enjeu de citoyenneté active et responsable : faire des citoyens de véritables acteurs de la vie culturelle, de la démocratie et de la vie sociale dans une société de la communication médiatisée.”
Media and Learning Association
The Media & Learning Association is an international, not-for-profit association with its headquarters in Belgium. The Association promotes and stimulates the use of media as a way to enhance innovation and creativity in teaching and learning across all levels of education in Europe. The association has a proven reputation for organising timely, high-profile and quality driven events. One of the main activities is the organisation of the annual Media & Learning Conference which is organised in collaboration with the Flemish Ministry of Education and Training and the European Commission., the Flemish Knowledge Centre for Media Literacy, started in January 2013 on initiative of the Flemish Government and in collaboration with iMinds Media. wants to make all citizens today and tomorrow able to consciously, critically and actively move themselves in a mediatized society. It plays a coordinating and inspiring role within the media literacy field. The aim of is to strengthen the media literacy initiatives, by bringing together partners in the working field, the private and public sector in consultation and collaboration courses.
The Bulgarian Safer Internet Centre works for the protection and empowerment of children and young people on the Internet by awareness raising, training, consultations and acting on reports from the public about online sexual abuse and exploitation of minors. By increasing digital literacy among children and youth we have been promoting the positive, safe and responsible use of Internet and information and communication technologies since 2005.
Association for the Development of the Information Society
The Association for the Development of the Information Society (ADIS) was established in April 1997 and is an independent, non-government, non-profit organisation. The main goal of the Association is to assist in the development of the information society in Bulgaria.
Created to support parents, guardians and teachers in raising their own media literacy and media skills and knowledge to teach and inform children.
The purpose of DKMK is to improve media and communication culture of Croatian citizens through systematic education on media and encourage the development of conscious users who are understanding and critical detachment using media content they choose. Their goals vary from educational, research and scientific activities in all areas of society.
An association for media literacy and media education in cyprus. ICFFCY has proven its commitment to the media arts in Cyprus, promoting strategies for conflict resolution, intercultural dialogue, respect of human rights and peace by implementing media education through various projects and activities.
Established in 2009, the Cyprus Community Media Centre (CCMC) works to empower civil society organisations and community groups with the tools to communicate their message to a wider audience. Through training and dedicated production support, equipment loan and access to a state-of-the-art production studio, CCMC promotes the benefits of community-based media by giving people the skills to be in control of their own messages. We believe that through our work we can be an example of best practice, aiding the establishment of a vibrant community media sector in Cyprus.
RadioExpert is a not-for-profit public service organization founded in 2003 to organize and expedite the continuing activities in support of community media worldwide. Their early activities included advocating the development of community radio in the United States and Europe, building a template for community media social enterprise, and developing training modules for best practices in community media. Today, incorporates all those activities and more into an effective and accessible group of tools and services serving community media worldwide.
Doc Alliance Academy is an international platform for the development of film literacy. They promote artistic and pedagogical value of creative documentaries and make them easily accessible for educational purposes. They perceive documentary film as a distinctive creative and cultural practice. They explore film language from various angles, develop critical reflection and help to cultivate a sense for quality European cinema.
It offers courses on literacy and media education and coordinates many projects related to these areas.
The Media Council for Children and Young People was set up by the Minister of Culture in 1997 and today it is part of the Danish Film Institute. According to the Danish Film Act No. 189 from 12 March 1997, the primary task of the Media Council is to classify films for children under the age of 15. Moreover, the council also works as the Danish Awareness Centre and is obliged to inform about children and young people’s use of films, computer games and digital media on the internet and mobile devices.
Station Next is a film school for young people between the age of 13 and 18 from all over Denmark.
They have four main activities and a variety of short or long-term projects and the development of teaching materials.
In total, they hold more than 10,000 student couse per day.
What they do:
• They give the students hands-on experience and responsibility for their own productions
• They use professional filmmakers as teachers/coaches
• They work in a realistic film environment – the students work in crews as they would on a professional production
• They place the focus on the final product – this improves the production process Biks med bullit points
• They are based in The Film Town in Copenhagen and Aarhus Jutland. We cooperate with youth film schools all over Denmark
• They cooperate with film initiatives for youth world wide.
Information Technology Foundation for Education
The Information Technology Foundation for Education’s (HITSA) role is to ensure that the graduates at all levels of education have obtained digital skills necessary for the development of economy and society and the possibilities offered by ICT are skilfully used in teaching and learning, which helps improve the quality of learning and teaching at all levels of education.
Estonian Union for Child Welfare is a non-profit umbrella organisation that contributes to ensuring children’s rights and shaping a child-friendly society. Founded in 1988, the union participates actively in a variety of national and international networks. Targalt Internetis is one of the projects of the Union and its mission is a smarter Internet use by children and their parents and the prevention of the online distribution of child sexual abuse material.
Centre for Media Pedagogy – Lapland
The Centre for Media Pedagogy in Lapland offers a Masters course in Media Education
Finnish Society on Media Education
The Finnish Society on Media Education, founded in 2005, is an association operating nationwide in two main languages (Finnish and Swedish). Their aim is to support and develop the field of research and practices concerning media education, contribute to the public debate and provide opportunities to share media education experiences online and offline.
Created after the attack at the offices of Charlie Hebdo in Paris in 2015, The platform brings together actors, initiatives, places and practices dedicated to media education.
- Tell everything that happens in education to information and freedom of expression;
- Promote the numerous initiatives in France to young people in all possible frameworks and environments – school time and outside school time;
- Facilitate exchanges between actors on their experiences and practices, challenges, solutions and innovations implemented;
- Facilitate field operations by linking between journalists and educators as well as the availability of resources and teaching materials;
- Linking the world of education and the world of information professionals.
Translit is a project mapping media literacy provision in the 28 EU member states. A report is available for each country examining the situation in both formal and informal education, in relation to regulation and co-regulation, for all ages and settings.
CLEMI is responsible for media education throughout the education system. Media and Information Education (IME), enshrined in the Law for the Rebuilding of the School of the Republic (2013), has become a competence of the common knowledge base. It enables students to learn to read, decipher information and image, sharpen their critical thinking, form an opinion, essential skills to exercise an enlightened and responsible citizenship in a democracy. The goal of the IMT is also to support students’ speech in school, to train them in the responsibility and exercise of freedom of expression.
Gesellschaft für Medienpädagogik und Kommunikationskultur in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (GMK)
The Association for Media Education and Communication Culture (German: GMK) is a nationwide professional association for education, culture, and media. It stands for the advancement of media education and media competency. The GMK is also active in Switzerland and Austria. The association brings interested and engaged people from sciences and practice together, and ensures the exchange of information.
The FWU Institute for Film and Image in Science and Teaching
The FWU Institute is the media institute of the 16 federal states with the production of audiovisual media and its use as teaching and learning tools in education, education and science. This includes consulting and development services for mediendistibution and media information systems. We produce media for education. Our main focus is on the production of high-quality films and working materials for school teaching – central, didactic and for all grades.
StreetGriot Medienpädagogik eV organizes media educational projects, in which young people are stimulated to creativity, independence and courage to their own ideas. In our projects, we create intercultural learning environments in which young people are involved in the exploration of important questions.
Since 1949 the JFF has been investigating how younger generations deal with media through research and practical experience. The media usage of adolescents and promoting media competence has been the starting point for JFF activities in the fields of research and pedagogical work for more than 60 years. Combining empirical research and educational practice is characteristic of the work of JFF. Research results form the basis of educational schemes for educational, developmental, and cultural work with children and adolescents. These research activities are reciprocally supplemented by educational practice.
The change of view is a media educational institution based in Göttingen and regional offices in Bremen, Gießen and Hamburg. They have been registered as a non-profit organization since 1992. They carry out educational projects for educators and interested persons (educators, teachers, social educators, technical students), realize media projects with children and young people, realize the media-pedagogical cooperation with parents and create didactic materials and publications.
Understanding Media for Active Citizenship
It wants to examine the concept of Media Literacy in Europe, how it has been defined at European institutional level and academia and the experience of community radio, and explore how it has been -or could be- embedded in the content of the training curriculum being delivered by community media as to promote better understanding of how to ‘read’ the media among citizens, but also how to ‘write’ more informative and balance content in the shape of media literacy broadcasting products- as to promote equality, pluralism and diversity, and to increase active citizenship actions through media.
They specialize in radio, television and multimedia projects and have long-term partnerships in education and training. Their offers are aimed at people of all ages: children, students, young people, students and adults. Their media educators come to you and bring you everything: competence, tailor-made concepts and technology. Their participants learn to understand the media, to design it themselves and to question it critically.
The KARPOS, founded by three experienced professionals in their field who believe that the audiovisual media, new technologies, teaching and working in groups, support creativity and brainstorming. They are interested in young people and adults to become more active citizens in a multicultural society. They believe that the expression through the picture and sound is an average direct, intimate and attractive, concerning young people and adults can explore it.
Pame Cinema is an educational program of students acquainted with the cinema. Created under the joint action of the Ministries of Culture and Education to introduce in training courses on arts and culture. It is implemented in Athens by the City Athimaion and the radio station “Athens 9.84” and Thessaloniki by the Municipality of Thessaloniki.
Hungarian Moving Image and Media Education Association
Hungarian Moving Image and Media Education Association has been developed to help students and teachers deal with media work in classrooms and to prove an opportunity for communication. It has been involved in many works such as media education, teacher trainings, designing curriculums, and other projects related to media literacy.
The Moped is a support to children in media literacy development occupational series, which relies heavily on the democratic values, education and media literacy development linking the results achieved in the German media pedagogical thinking.
“Zaffiria is a centre based in Bellaria Igea Marina in Italy. It is engaged in offering and developing media education in schools and extraschools. Our aim is to promote media education and children’s rights, the social participation of children through the creative use of media and art education.
On a European level the Centre has worked in partnership with several european projects. Zaffiria organises a national conference Medi@tando every two years, bringing together professors, researchers and educators in the field of media education from all over Italy. The Bellaria Charter emerged from Medi@tando 2002, considered to be the first Charter defining a set of values for media education professionals proposing definitions and objectives for media education.
We collaborate with CORECOM of the Region of Emilia-Romagna in the protection of minors and with public institutions in different regions to promote media education.”
The MED, the Italian Association for Media Education and Communication, was created by the will of a group of academics, media professionals, educators (especially school) and is an ideal place of connection and service dialogue between experts and communications professionals, teachers and educators.
Media Education Association is an association of community centers Social Promotion composed of educators, trainers, journalists, graphic designers, media experts, technicians in the field of communication, and it was formed to promote awareness of critical paths in the media.
National Electronic Media Council
“The National Electronic Mass Media Council is an independent, autonomous institution enjoying full rights, which, within its competence, shall represent the interests of the public in the field of electronic mass media and supervise the latter so that in their operations they observe the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, this Law and other regulatory enactments.”
Latvian Information and Communications Technology Association
The goal of LIKTA is to foster growth of ICT sector in Latvia by promoting the development of information society and ICT education thus increasing the competitiveness of Latvia on a global scale. The association provides professional opinion to government institutions on legislation and other issues related to the industry, while also maintaining close relationships with other Latvian NGOs and international ICT associations. They work for:
infrastructure and benefits provided by it.
“Safer Internet” started as the programme of the European Commission (EC) Information Society and Media Directorate-General that implemented in most EU countries. For more than 10 years Lithuania has implemented EK Safer Internet programme (the projects were “Safer Internet LT AN-HL”, “Safer Internet LT SIC”, and “SIC LT II”). Safer Internet consortium in Lithuania increased its activities since July 2012 and there are four partners providing SIC services: 1) awareness-raising, 2) hotline, 3) helpline activities, and 4) promotion of youth’s initiatives as well.
Meno Avilys, an NGO based in Vilnius, Lithuania, specializes in the area of film education and film preservation. It dedicates its work towards both viewers who love films and those who have not discovered them yet. Meno Avilys aims to actualize visual literacy processes in a society and provides a space for public discussions, organises various cinema events. It also constantly creates new initiatives in order to respond to international debates and to react to new trends.
“The National Audiovisual Centre (NAC) is a cultural institution established in 1989 under the authority of the Ministry of Culture. Its mission is the preservation, enhancement and promotion of audiovisual heritage and photographic of Luxembourg.”
BEE SECURE is a joint initiative of the Ministry of the Economy, the Ministry of the Family, Integration and the Greater Region and the Ministry of National Education, Children and Youth. The BEE SECURE initiative encompasses actions to raise awareness of the more secure use of new information and communication technologies.
The Center for Literacy is a research and development center that focuses on literacy and basic skills. They have been working on video games and literacy.
Founded in 2008 on the initiative of the Ministries of Education, Culture and Science, Youth and Family. aims to promote media literacy of young people aged 0 to 18 years.
Dissatisfied with the lack of attention to ethnic and cultural diversity in the media founded seven national minority organizations in 1986 STOA (Broadcasting Foundation and Immigrants) on. By joining forces, the organizations wanted to put an end to the lack of supply of programs for and by ethnic minorities in the Dutch public and commercial radio and television. We work with many partners in the social field and in the media to achieve integrated and sustainable programs. The start of operations is the need to be signaled to the audience.
Dutch Institute for Film Education
Film is a very accessible medium and supports people at a young age to discover the world and understand. Like
other art can move movie, entertaining and thought-provoking. By film education to develop people to explore the knowledge, skills and attitude to film and visual language and to understand but also to themselves to create and publish cartoons. People learn about and imagery is one of the spearheads of the Film Education Network, a national network of seventeen parties that develop film education programs.
The goal of the non for profit Media Literacy Network is to stimulate and initiate worldwide cooperation between Media Literacy organizations, which share our vision on the right of children to be guided and educated in this mediated world. By worldwide cooperation the Media Literacy Network aims at improving and accelerating the effectiveness of Media Literacy projects around the world.
Every student deserves modern, secure and private education. Therefore Kennisnet supports schools with ICT. We provide rural ICT basic infrastructure, sector councils and share our knowledge with primary education counseling (po), secondary education (VO) and secondary vocational education (MBO).
EGSA – the Educational Guidance Service for Adults – is a leading local, independent provider of information, advice and guidance (IAG) on learning and work in Northern Ireland. Media Literacy NI is EGSA’s blog on media literacy.
The Institute’s principal task is to provide the Polish film industry with a modern mechanism of support – from the development of film projects, through production, to promotion, distribution and circulation of Polish and European films. They support films from concept to screening, with particular emphasis on international co-productions. The Polish Film Institute wants to draw Polish viewers back into theatres to watch Polish films and, at the same time, to make them worthwhile to watch and accessible to international audiences, particularly in Europe.
New Media Foundation was established in 2008 and its founders are individuals interested in media and the quality of public life in Poland. They conduct training and workshops in the field of media education.
“Media Smart is a non-profit program of literacy on advertising on various media (media) for children between 7 and 11 years old. The goal of Media Smart is to provide the tools children to help them understand and interpret advertising, preparing them to make informed choices. the Media Smart develops and provides free materials for educational purposes to primary schools where they teach children to think critically about advertising in the context of their daily lives. the Media Smart is the first initiative of its kind to be launched in Portugal. . It is sponsored by industry and supported by the Portuguese Government All this information is accessible via the link:”
The Portal for Media Literacy is an aggregator website for information on this issue, the platform features tools to promote Media Literacy projects and discussion forums on this issue.
To establish itself as the center of digital resources of national reference on the subject;
- Promote the formation of enlightened citizens and critical of the media;
- Encouraging interaction between citizens, the media and educational and cultural institutions with activities in the media;
- Contribute to inclusion of media literacy and digital literacy in the public agenda;
- Enhance citizen participation in democratic life, taking advantage of new digital platforms and social networks;
- Encourage innovation and creativity in the methods and content of training and education through a critical reading of the media, new media and new social networks.
ActiveWatch Media Monitoring Agency is a human rights organization that militates for free communication for public interest. They fulfill their mission:
- By developing research, intervention methodologies and work instruments for the four fields of action: freedom of expression, good governance, antidiscrimination and media education;
- By developing programs, projects, communication and advocacy campaigns, training courses and public events for the promotion of the values of a real democracy in Romania.
- In collaboration with over 50 local and international partners in 15 countries.
- With the help of our partners and supporters: individuals, legal entities, institutions, NGOs and companies.
The Centre for Innovation in Education (TEHNE Romania) is an organization aiming to support educational initiatives through projects and programs covering areas of elearning, ICT in education, curriculum development, education for democratic citizenship, lifelong learning, and in-service teacher training.
Association for Media Education in Scotland
AMES is a non-profit organisation and registered charity. As a charity, AMES is overseen by OSCR and examined
by an Independent Examiner. AMES organizes an annual conference around important questions of media education, theory and practice. The AMES AGM takes place at the end of the annual conference. The AGM elects a Management Committee to organize the day to day running of the Association.
The mission of the Media Education Centre is to promote role of the Media, Peace and Information Literacy in the transition to sustainable ways of living and a global society founded on a shared ethical framework that includes respect and care for the community of life, new media pedagogy, ecological integrity, universal human rights, respect for diversity, economic justice, democracy, and a culture of peace.
The connection of civil society organizations and the media is crucial in the process of democratization and the creation ofmodern and proactive society. Since its founding on July 4th, 2005. Media and Reform Center Nis (MRCN) takes on the important task – to support the work and visibility of the activities of civil society organizations, as well as strengthening the professionalism of the media for reporting on specific topics contribute to the development of civil society in the territory of southern Serbia.
Media School (MES) is a project of non-formal education in the media, which was established in 2009 under the cooperation of the Salesian Family in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. It covers Laura, the young association. The school offers four courses for two years dealing with:
- written journalism (production management, PR, media backstage)
- photo (documentary, Portrait, ethics in the media)
- behavior and graphics (verbal and nonverbal expression, demeanor with a microphone in front of the camera, graphic design, make a poster)
- making a short film (screenplay, cinematography, production, post-production)
In addition to the practical skills of the participants MES learn more about media manipulation, the functioning of the media and the role of Christian in them. They put emphasis on accompaniment, which for us means to be humanly and professionally close to the young man.
After the congress, the experts at the Department of Journalism, Faculty of Philosophy of the Catholic University in Ruzomberok decided that the issue of the media in relation to the family will be one of the defined research areas of the department. Currently this issue by the media education, since the two are closely related. Website is designed especially for parents and educators. Its mission is to help the target group to navigate in the world of the media, the penetration of raising children. The page will be offering popular science articles character, academic texts but also the whole publication for download.
European Institute for Communication and Culture
The European Institute for Communication and Culture (Euricom) is a non-profit organisation registered under Slovene law, whose purpose is to further research and publication in the general areas of mass communication, media studies, and cultural studies. In keeping with its unique position bridging the two parts of the formerly divided Europe, Euricom is particularly concerned with the relationship of the mass media to issues of democracy and democratisation.
The Media and Information Literacy Observatory – was born as a tool that was to provide analysis and information, useful for countries and regions, regarding the very current and strategic issue of the Media and Information Literacy, i.e. the capacity to access, evaluate, understand, create and disseminate information through various Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) that exist nowadays.
The Communicating Group is aware and convinced that it is increasingly necessary to train teachers in this field of Education in Media, by the social demands and the demands of the school system. The appearance of different electives in the media, both in Secondary Education and High School demand a greater presence of the media in the classroom as a transversal theme in the curriculum. «Communicate», in this sense, wants to become a plural forum for communication in education, open to all education and communication professionals who want to work selflessly to foster among their colleagues a more pluralistic and innovative consumption of communication.
The project -web dvds- is to offer teachers, ideas, resources and experiences to facilitate the implementation of media education in the classroom.
The Association of Communication Users is a non profit and independent organization, whose main aim is to defend the interests of citizens as users of the mass media, receivers of the messages disseminated by them and possible “targets” of their content. The AUC’s importance during the past few years shows the growing importance of communication in everyday life, thanks to both its technological advances and the risks involved in the abuse of these developments.

“The Swedish Media Council is a government agency whose primary task is to promote the empowering of minors as conscious media users and to protect them from harmful media influences.”
“The Swedish Film Institute works to promote film across the board – from idea to finished product, during launch in Sweden and around the world, and by preserving films for posterity in our archives.”
The English and Media Centre is an independent educational charity with a national and international reputation as a Centre of Excellence. It is a development centre, serving the needs of secondary and FE teachers and students of English and Media Studies in the UK and beyond. They are unique in being a group of teachers, working in a voluntary sector organisation and able to draw on our close connections with colleagues in the classroom.
Media Power Youth is a non-profit working to empower youth to lead healthy, safe lives through smart use of media. It provides programs and curricula that are evaluated and recognized for evidence of a positive effect in helping children understand and make healthy decisions about media effects on violence, bullying, alcohol use, smoking, and food choices.
Northern Ireland Screen is the government-backed lead agency in Northern Ireland for the film, television and digital content industry, driving global growth through boosting our economy, celebrating our culture and enhancing our children’s education. They are interested in film education, film festivals and cultural cinema.
They are a Hereford-based production company and charity producing award-winning films and digital arts projects. Founded over 25 years ago by CEO Nic Millington, they have a reputation, locally and nationally, for telling powerful stories from unheard voices and nurturing creative talent. It works with communities, schools, groups and individuals to create issue-driven films, heritage and digital arts projects that raise awareness, influence change and celebrate rural life.
Watershed is a social enterprise and a registered charity. As the leading film culture and digital media centre in the South West, they advance education, skills, appreciation and understanding of the arts with a particular focus on film, media and digital technologies.
Signals is a centre for creative digital learning. It specialises in film education and uses digital production for social, learning and creative outcomes. They are a multi award winning arts and education charity that provides courses, workshops and projects across the region. They support creativity and learning at all levels, including working with schools, community groups, the cultural and third sector and new talent. They do this through the provision of courses, project work, production and training.
MediaEd is the UK media and moving image education site, with information about using film in schools, including how film can help deliver the curriculum, filmmaking by children and young people, with examples of project work and advice on equipment, media literacy in the UK, Europe and around the world, media education teaching ideas including film and video, photography, print, radio and sound, what’s on: events, workshops, screenings and conference, where to get support, advice and training, film and media education resources and publications.
CTS is all about widening participation and helping people express themselves through creative media. They have the same approach whoever we work with. They offer clear communication, a strong sense of collaboration and scale-able services to fit the brand and project. Their extensive network of partners from across all sectors really benefits organisations trying to reach new audiences.
he Media Diversity Institute (MDI) works internationally to encourage and facilitate responsible media coverage of diversity. It aims to prevent the media from intentionally or unintentionally spreading prejudice, intolerance and hatred which can lead to social tensions, disputes and violent conflict. MDI encourages instead, fair, accurate, inclusive and sensitive media coverage in order to promote understanding between different groups and cultures.
We are a partnership of three leading organisations: SWGfL, Childnet International and Internet Watch Foundation with one mission – to promote the safe and responsible use of technology for young people. The partnership was appointed by the European Commission as the Safer Internet Centre for the UK in January 2011 and is one of the 31 Safer Internet Centres of the Insafe network. The centre has three main functions:
- Awareness Centre: to provide advice and support to children and young people, parents and carers, schools and the children’s workforce and to coordinate Safer Internet Day across UK.
- Helpline: to provide support to professionals working with children and young people with online safety issues.
- Hotline: an anonymous and safe place to report and remove child sexual abuse imagery and videos, wherever they are found in the world.
CILIP Information Literacy Group
A small group of librarians convened at Imperial College London to discuss establishing a special interest group specifically in information literacy in March 2003. It was agreed that the group would petition CILIP to create a new special interest group for librarians. The ILG became a full special interest group of CILIP in July 2012, which gave the group greater recognition and a number of benefits.
MIL CLICKS is a social media movement led by UNESCO. The objectives of this social media strategy
are to use social media to:
- Expose people to become more media and information literate and
- Raise awareness about the importance of media and information literacy (MIL).
Middle East Media Literacy Initiative
MEMLI is a grassroots media literacy initiative based in Israel & Palestine. The conflict between Israel and Palestine has been a long and bloody one with seemingly no end in sight. But at MEMLI we feel that we can make a difference by changing the way we talk about this conflict by way of making media and information literacy and civil discourse skills widely available to youth living in our region. We believe emotional intelligence skills such as self-awareness, empathy, compassion, logic, reason and critical thinking are a crucial part of creating fertile ground for new ideas for an old conflict.
ICEM was founded in 1950 with the intent of promoting and developing educational media and its use in a variety of pedagogical fields. The preliminary name of the organisation was ICEF (“Film”) and as the founders foresaw the development of the field they altered the name to International Council for Educational Media – ICEM. Since the very beginning ICEM has strived to advance both pedagogy and technology – from the 16mm films of ago to the digital and interactive content of today.
Its activity is based on four major areas:
- Education: Our goal is to detect and analyze new educational trends, experiment with them, understand and raise awareness of its pedagogical implications and apply them in the action processes of Fundación Telefónica in the most vulnerable social environments.
- Employability: We seek to improve the capacities, skills and abilities of young people to increase their opportunities for
professional and personal development, particularly among young people at risk of exclusion.
- Cultural Action: We aim to bring contemporary culture to society, with special focus on digital culture.
- Volunteering: We look forward to mobilize all Telefónica´s employees in volunteer activities that match social needs and channel the company´s principles.