Some Articles
Benefits of Covid-19 for Authoritarian Leaders
While the world is trying to deal with Covid-19, the difference between democratic and authoritarian rulers is getting more visible. The democratic countries are often trying their best to overcome the crisis with the least [...]
From Immigration to Covid-19 – How the News Cycle Determines Our Fears
Lately, it seems every news story, every advertisement, and every talk show is exclusively concerned about Covid-19. Meanwhile, migration to Europe - the subject once in the media spotlight and the driver behind major decisions [...]
Competing for Citizens’ Interests
At EAVI, we aim to support and promote the interests of citizens all over the world, regardless of their nationality. We observe that some political and commercial entities are not compatible with citizens’ interests, yet [...]
The Importance of Media Literacy during Covid-19
We have heard of many stories about Covid and its consequences: did the US start the coronavirus, and is the EU failing to support and falling apart? Is the virus a weapon against China, or [...]
Resentment, Limitations, and Facts – Analyzing the EU’s coronavirus response
In one way or another, Covid-19 has affected us all. Whether infected by the disease or not, the economic insecurity, layoffs, border closures, lockdown orders, and general sense of unease have swept the globe in [...]
The Politics of Coronavirus Coverage in the United States
Physically, economically, mentally, socially - the coronavirus has been a nightmare. For the approximately 250 million people living abroad, the question of repatriation based on the ever-fluctuating news coverage has made media literacy crucial. Following [...]