Some Articles
Artificial Intelligence: A Double-edged Sword
It can play chess, give you a diagnosis, drive your car, talk to you as a customer service representative, detect fraud, and tell you what you like based on your recent Netflix activity. It [...]
FOMO and Doomscrolling: Understanding and Escaping the Digital Trap
The Oxford Dictionary defines 'fear of missing out' as "a feeling of worry that an interesting or exciting event is happening somewhere else." Today, social media has dramatically expanded this fear since we are [...]
The Rise of Antidemocratic Far Right, Propaganda and Disinformation
The European Parliament Elections resulted in a significant shift as the extreme right gained substantial ground. With 220 seats, extreme right parties currently make up almost one-third of the parliament, while Greens and [...]
Europe is for Peace
The European Parliament’s Spring 2024 Eurobarometer survey is the latest survey conducted before the 2024 European elections. The survey was carried out by Verian (previously known as Kantar Public) between 7 February and [...]
How Platforms Compete to Get our Attention?
When you log in to your social media accounts, you are constantly exposed to a flood of new information and content. Every day, you are exposed to this stream of data that is competing [...]
The EU Policies on Digital Well-Being
Digital well-being encompasses our online safety, managing our online time, our ability to critically assess the media we consume and becoming responsible and confident digital citizens. In this regard, the European Union is [...]