Some Articles
Where do we draw the line?
With the recent Cambridge Analytica revelations, will we finally draw the line on Facebook's invasions of privacy, especially when it has acted as a platform of mis- and dis-information for so long? In the last [...]
European Commission: Fake News and Online Disinformation
The European Commission has published its High Level Expert Group (HLEG) Report to advise the EC on fake news and disinformation online.
Get Them While They’re Young – Facebook Messenger for Kids
In December 2017, Facebook launched it’s standalone Messenger Kids app, targeting children under 13. The app is used via the parents’ Facebook account, and comes with strict parental controls, including safety filters, screened content and [...]
Media Literacy – Levelling the Playing Field for People Living with Disability
Approximately 44 million Europeans are reported as living with a disability. This can often prevent them from taking a full part in society and economy, whether by way of education, employment and society more generally. [...]
The European Commission Media Literacy Experts Group
The European Commission representatives stressed the importance of media literacy and framed this debate around fake news and social media
EAVI in the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition Conference
Coding is a digital skill, decoding a media literacy skill. Media education is the process to become media literate.