Some Articles
EAVI in the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition Conference
Coding is a digital skill, decoding a media literacy skill. Media education is the process to become media literate.
Visual literacy: 5 key questions
When we think about information, we might assume it will come in a written or audio format. But what about the information we get from visual imagery?
EAVI Roundtable Debate at the European Parliament – Democracy, Journalism and Literacy
In December EAVI together with the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom held the Democracy, Journalism and Literacy event at the European Parliament. The event was hosted by MEPs Barbara Spinelli and Curzio Maltese. [...]
#MyStory Final Event. Media (Literacy) and Refugees.
The final event for the My Story Project took place in Brussels on 5 December 2017. The full-day event was divided into two sessions. In the morning session, EAVI and My Story partners [...]
EVENT: #MyStory – Media (literacy) and Refugees
My Story, Media (literacy) and Refugees 5th December 2017 -11h00 – 14h00 Venue: L42 – Rue de la Loi 42 1040 Brussels Coverage of migrants and refugees in the mainstream media is disproportionately negative. Hateful, [...]
Pay Attention to Distractions by Paolo Celot
Pay Attention to Distractions Transcript of Paolo's Impulse Speech Council of Europe 4th Platform Exchange on Digitisation and Culture, Karlsruhe, 19-20 October 2017 “Good afternoon, I was ready to talk about media literacy. I prepared a [...]