Some Articles
EAVI at EuroDig 2016
EAVI particpated in the dialogue on Internet governance (EuroDIG) on 9-10 June, in Brussels.
EAVI Conference | Media Literacy for Full Citizenship
EAVI, with the Alliance Internationale de Journalistes, has organised a conference for June 22nd at the European Parliament titled Media Literacy for Full Citizenship: European Funds, Policies and Initiatives. The conference will be hosted by MEPs Isabella Adinolfi from the EFDD Group and Curzio Maltese from the GUE/NGL Group.
VIDEO: #brusselslockdown – How Photography Can Be Used to Manipulate Reality
In this video from Belgian photographer, Jimmy Kets, he demonstrates the ways in which photographers can choose to manipulate reality in order to dramatise and sensationalise.
The Pros and Cons of Ad Blocking Explained
EAVI recently attended conferences at the European Parliament to discuss 'Diversity in Media and Culture versus Convergence' and 'An Alternative Media Landscape for Europe.' Amongst discussion of disturbing trends; the concentration of media ownership in [...]
HOW-TO: Limit Google’s Ability to Track You
Google is tracking your every move online, but what many people do not know is that there are options for limiting the level of tracking you are subjected to by Google. Here is a how-to detailing some of your options.
VIDEO: News Mashup is an Important Lesson in Media Literacy
This video edits together BBC footage of a parade in the UK with audio commentary of a parade in North Korea and asks "are the two countries really so different?"