Some Articles
Brexit: the loss of the audio-visual market on the EU soil
Brexit is a fraught issue beset by ongoing uncertainties. It seems no part of the UK’s international and domestic life has been left untouched, the self-inflicted blow to the UK’s hard power has come [...]
Media in the global learning crises and pandemia
By Tapio Varis, Professor Emeritus To be published in 2021 by “Media. Information. Communication” (MIC), Moscow Pedagogical State University, The world is facing serious socio-economic impact as the consequence of the pandemic. [...]
Press Freedom: One of the pillars for democratic societies
Nowadays, the media play a vital role in our everyday lives. Technological advances and progress have brought new media usage to the fore and have given a new meaning to "freedom of speech." Through [...]
Maintain your media balance to attain your digital well-being!
EAVI theme of the year 2021: Digital Well-Being We live in an era of rapid technological advances. Our everyday lives are inseparably linked with the digital world. Especially now that COVID-19 has brought so [...]
Our ‘Social Dilemma’ Made Worse without Media Literacy
Not often does a documentary cause so much controversy among such a wide audience. But when Netflix’s The Social Dilemma crashed into its top 10 movies the week of its release last month, [...]
Think You’re Media Literate? Think Again.
These days the path of empowerment is through media literacy. If you were born in the 20th or beginning of the 21st century, particularly in an economically developed country, you have likely grown up [...]