Category: Article


1702, 2021

Maintain your media balance to attain your digital well-being!

February 17th, 2021|Categories: Article|

EAVI theme of the year 2021: Digital Well-Being We live in an era of rapid technological advances. Our everyday lives are inseparably linked with the digital world. Especially now that COVID-19 has brought so many changes, communication through digital media is influencing greatly our education, work, and entertainment. We keep connecting and disconnecting with our gadgets, and in fact, we find it hard to distinguish those two states and to set boundaries. That is the new reality we are living in, and it applies to us all, including children and young people. According to [...]

510, 2020

Our ‘Social Dilemma’ Made Worse without Media Literacy

October 5th, 2020|Categories: Article|

  Not often does a documentary cause so much controversy among such a wide audience. But when Netflix’s The Social Dilemma crashed into its top 10 movies the week of its release last month, nearly everybody familiar with its themes had something to say about it. The creators of the critically acclaimed 2017 documentary Chasing Coral have teamed up with the co-founders of The Center for Humane Technology and created, together with a cast of mainly former titans of Silicon Valley social media firms, a film with a stark message of the ills that [...]

109, 2020

Think You’re Media Literate? Think Again.

September 1st, 2020|Categories: Article|

These days the path of empowerment is through media literacy.  If you were born in the 20th or beginning of the 21st century, particularly in an economically developed country, you have likely grown up in a population where literacy rates are today nearly universal. It is easy to forget that for most of human history since the advent of writing, the majority of people around the world were completely illiterate. The ability to read and write, long associated with the exercise of power, was a set of technical skills exclusive to a privileged few, [...]

2808, 2020

EAVI’s response to the European Democracy Action Plan

August 28th, 2020|Categories: Article|

FEEDBACK Brussels, Belgium – 27 August 2020 EAVI’s response to the European Democracy Action Plan – Protecting European democracy from interference and manipulation Celebrating 15 years addressing issues of media literacy and citizenship, the European Association for Viewers Interests is the non-profit organisation that has worked the longest on media literacy and fully informed and engaged citizenship at EU level. EAVI is active in research, policy and practice. EAVI welcomes the efforts of the European Commission intended to contribute to shape a context more apt to protect our democracies. EAVI’s logo quotes ‘media literacy [...]

308, 2020

Update on The EAVI Test: A Factful look at the Digital Age

August 3rd, 2020|Categories: Article, EAVI Test Series|

The role of new media and the internet has been undeniably increasing day by day, especially now more than ever due to the ongoing pandemic. As their importance increases, they also affect the way we see the world through what we read, what we react to and interact with. Media literacy -the ability to access, share, critically evaluate, create and participate in the media- now has become a life skill for everyone so that we can navigate ourselves in this era. At EAVI, we work on media literacy by raising awareness on the topic [...]

207, 2020

Media Literacy for All

July 2nd, 2020|Categories: Article|

Media are many different things to many people, and the ways they are designed and used affects all of our lives in myriad ways. In today’s digitised societies, making sense of the media landscape and learning to navigate it responsibly is essential for modern day citizenship. Indeed, a capacity for digital citizenship is required, one that understands that by receiving a quality media literacy education, new media need not be barriers, but powerful tools, for civic engagement. To ensure that digital citizenship is attainable by all members of society, media literacy programmes must include and [...]

2306, 2020

Media Literacy Essential for Tackling COVID-19 Disinformation – Responding to the EC Communication

June 23rd, 2020|Categories: Article, Press Release|Tags: |

Press Release     EAVI welcomes the recent Communication issued by the European Commission on how to tackle disinformation surrounding the COVID-19 global pandemic. Europe along with the rest of the world has not sufficiently braced itself against the current ‘infodemic’, the tidal wave of mis- and disinformation in the wake of COVID-19. Due to the novelty of the virus, it claims, gaps in knowledge amid a flood of information have created an ideal breeding ground for false and misleading narratives to spread. The Communication proposes new tools to fight disinformation, including further cooperation with [...]

206, 2020

Trump versus Twitter

June 2nd, 2020|Categories: Article|Tags: |

Donald Trump’s twitter account has frequently been the subject of controversy, as he tests the boundaries of free speech by spreading misinformation to his millions of followers and harassing both celebrities and private citizens. Yet, for the first time, Twitter has fact-checked Trump. Twitter has generally taken a lax approach to monitoring political leaders, assuming that discussion would follow and hold them accountable. However, Trump’s misleading and blatantly false claims and conspiracy theories have caused backlash. This sentiment is particularly strong during the spread of Covid-19, where Trump’s misinformation concerns fake cures and treatments. Highlighting [...]

2705, 2020

A Covid-19 Vaccine Does Not Yet Exist, but Misinformation Does

May 27th, 2020|Categories: Article|Tags: |

A vaccine for Covid-19 does not yet exist, but that has not stopped people from spreading disinformation about it in advance.  The anti-vaxxers’ movement has been active for years, and a previous article about it by EAVI can be found here. The article stated that the core of this movement relies on conspiracy, cherry-picking information and experts, impossible expectations, and illogical fallacies. Additionally, once someone’s mind is made up, it is nearly impossible to change. The measles outbreaks in Europe and the United States caused by increasing numbers of unvaccinated children is a worrisome foreshadow [...]

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