Category: Guides


1203, 2025

Are Your Devices Helping or Hooking You? Understanding Affordances & Digital Wellbeing

March 12th, 2025|Categories: Article, Digital Well-Being, Guides, Media Literacy, Publications|

Let’s be honest—most of us have, at some point, picked up our phones to check a single notification and then resurfaced an hour later from an Instagram rabbit hole, wondering what sorcery just occurred. If this sounds familiar, congratulations! You are a victim of affordances—the invisible strings that dictate how we use technology. What Are Affordances? Affordances, a concept borrowed from design psychology, refer to the features of an object that suggest how it should be used. A door handle affords pulling, a flat plate on a door affords pushing (unless it’s one of [...]

1005, 2020

GetFacts Training Outline and Toolkit

May 10th, 2020|Categories: Guides, Lesson Plans, Projects, Toolkits|

EAVI is the expert partner in the "Get Your Facts Straight!" project coordinated by All Digital. Together with partners, we have developed a training programme for a 15h training course for 14-16 year old students and their parents and grand parents (5 hours for young people, 5 hours for adults, and then 5 hours mixed group). The course can be done both in schools, as well as in non-formal educational settings such as youth clubs, libraries, NGOs. The training course consists of 3 modules and a final assignment: Module 1: What is disinformation? Module [...]

712, 2017

The Dos & Don’ts Guide for refugees to tell their stories and for journalists to report them better

December 7th, 2017|Categories: Guides|

Now also in Hungarian, Greek and Slovenian. More languages to come soon. This guide was drafted within the activities of MyStory project  funded by the European Commission. It aims: a) to facilitate journalists and bloggers' work so that they are better able to meet ethical standards when portraying migrants and refugees in the media; b) to equip migrants and refugees (M&R) and respective supporting organisations, to produce their stories more effectively. The following recommendations draw on MyStory's debates and the network of contacts from the project consortium, and take into account relevant international [...]

2412, 2016

The Secret Agent’s Guide to Protecting your Phone Privacy

December 24th, 2016|Categories: Guides|

TL:DR (Too Long: Didn't Read) is EAVI's series of simple guides to navigating the media landscape. The tips herein are intended to be a guide for users of these platforms who wish to exercise some power over their data and personal information and stay stealthy a secret agent! Each selected social media platform contains four sets of instructions: Ads Settings - To prevent your accounts from being tracked Two-Factor Authentication - To prevent your accounts from being accessed by thieves or hackers Blocking - To block people, ads or report inappropriate posts [...]

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