MyStory: Media, Migrants & Refugees
The #MyStory: Media, Migrants & Refugees project was an initiative to raise awareness, promote discussion and assist journalists, migrants and refugees and the organisations working with them, to contribute to improve the media narrativesĀ of displaced peoples in a fair way. The project (577396-CITIZ-1-2016-1-BE-CITIZ-CIV) was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme "Europe for Citizens" Within the project we organised ten events in seven different countries. Our debates have been very well received including at the highest level at the European Parliament. Many quality videos have been produced and they are [...]
VIDEO: News Mashup is an Important Lesson in Media Literacy
This video edits together BBC footage of a parade in the UK with audio commentary of a parade in North Korea and asks "are the two countries really so different?"