European Safe Online Initiative
Safe Online Project is coordinated and supported by educational institutions and associations across Europe. EAVI is proud to be part of it.
European Safe Online Initiative expands on the Flemish Safe Online Initiative by applying the concept to the larger context of the European Union and, more specifically, by representatives from five EU countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece and Romania.
Associations and educational institutions bring their own know-how to build a programme to educate parents and educators to become fully aware of the risks and opportunities the new media offer to their children.

The main focus of the EUROPEAN SAFEONLINE INITIATIVE is the improvement of media literacy levels among children and young people through the extensive media literacy education of their parents. Instead of attempting the development of a pilot experimentation project, the EUROPEAN SAFEONLINE project proposes the scaling up of a recognized and proven innovation in the field of media literacy.
More specifically, the EUROPEAN SAFEONLINE project aims at the replication of a practice in the field of media literacy that has demonstrable results with qualitative and quantitative evidence of impact; that of the Flemish SafeOnline programme. For a number of years the Flemish SafeOnline Training initiative has successfully achieved the goal of improving the media literacy levels of parents by developing their knowledge and skillset on the new media are being used daily by their children.
Through the Flemish SafeOnline Training Initiative, thousands of parents have increased their understanding of and improved their response towards the opportunities and risks of online activities and, in their turn, they have supported their children in understanding the possibilities and challenges of these new media and new literacies.