What is the e-EngAGEd project about?
The main purpose of Project e-EngAGEd (Intergenerational Digital Engagement), funded by the European Commission, is to improve critical thinking and media literacy in general by training young people to facilitate the transfer of knowledge to older adults.
-Improve critical thinking and media literacy, training young volunteers as coaches to impart their knowledge to adults and seniors.
-Improve intergenerational responsibility and digital commitment in society, providing spaces for debate and exchanges amongst citizens of different ages on disinformation, digital citizenship, and civic commitment.
-Increase trust in media to promote political participation, directly involving journalists in the definition of training content for media literacy, organising European-level debates on journalism and panels on the role of journalists and media in the political awareness of citizens.
The participating countries are Belgium, France, Greece, and Italy. During the 24-month project, a variety of activities will be carried out:
-An analysis of European-level good practices to develop methodologies, content, and materials;
-Transnational training events and workshops in Belgium, France, Greece, and Italy dedicated to 160 young participants, who will then tutor 160 elders.
-Intergenerational local training events;
-An evaluation of the training process and the publication of related scientific articles;
-Three national and one transnational debate and the subsequent drafting of policy recommandations with the contribution of the participants.
Young people (18-25 old)
Older people (50 and over)
Together with EAVI the following will contribute to the project: Athens Lifelong Learning Institute, Greece (lead partner), European Association for the Education of Adults (Belgium), Federation Europeenne des Journalistes (Belgium), E-Seniors: Initiation des Seniors Aux Ntic Associations (France), Pistes solidaires (France), People Behind Make (Greece), Fondazione Mondo Digitale (Italy), Istituto comprensivo di Bosco Chiesanuova, Polo europeo della conoscenza (Italy).
E-engAGEd Event
Recently, we hosted a social event as part of the E-engAGEd project, featuring an intergenerational debate on media literacy and digital responsibility. This discussion fostered critical thinking and diverse perspectives, aligning with the project’s mission to promote digital skills and media literacy. A key focus was on “Artificial Intelligence: Which Skills Do I Need?”, where Dr. Letiția Pârcălăbescu, a member of EAVI Advisory Board was in conversation with Paolo Celot to reflect on AI fundamentals, common misconceptions, and strategies for responsible AI use, including safeguarding against deepfakes and misinformation. For more information, click HERE.
More information
Contact Semih Solmaz for more information HERE.