The Essential Elements of Digital Literacies: Doug Belshaw TEDxWarwick
About Media literacy can be understood in different ways: there are several ways to approach media education. The starting point, however, must always be the traditional concept of ‘literacy’; therefore, the traditional definition of it as it was defined back in 1957 is still valid to this day. We have to start from the assumption that it is not really possible to speak of illiterate and literate persons as two different categories: literacy is a spectrum of variability in the capacity of understanding and making sense of the world. Modern literacy comprises a [...]
Sanne Blauw: How to defend yourself against misleading statistics – TEDxMaastricht
About Sanne Blauw, journalist and statistician who holds a PhD in Statistics, exposes us to the biases hidden in the data and statistics that appear in the media. Basically, we can make a set of data say whatever we want it to say, we can ‘force’ them to serve any purpose and back up whatever we want to demonstrate. And consequentially, we can trick the audience into thinking that data (data! cold numbers! something apparently objective and, right?) really mean what we want to demonstrate. Blauw warns us against the dangers of manipulating [...]