Artificial and human intelligence produced this innovative recipe. No need for complicated settings to appreciate its futuristic taste. The whole family loves it.

Learn More

Find out more about where AI is used today, the pros and cons of Artificial intelligence or learn the difference between AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.

Do you want to know more about how AI can be used for good? The Migration Data Portal lists various applications of AI for predicting migration movements and providing humanitarian aid and the Institute for Ethical AI and Machine Learning discusses the ethical use of intelligent algorithms and states 8 machine learning principles for responsible AI development.


1: Cambridge Dictionary. (n.d.) artificial intelligence. Retrieved from: [Accessed: 27.04.2021]

2: Fong S. J., Dey N. & Chaki J. (2021). AI-Empowered Data Analytics for Coronavirus Epidemic Monitoring and Control. Artificial Intelligence for Coronavirus Outbreak. SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology. Springer, Singapore. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-5936-5_3

3: Migration Data Portal. (2021). Estimating global migration flows by combining traditional and innovative data sources using machine learning. Retrieved from: [Accessed: 27.04.2021]

4: Macaulay, T. (2020). Google’s AI-powered smart glasses help the blind to see. Retrieved from:

5: Heaven, W. D. (2020). Predictive policing algorithms are racist. They need to be dismantled. Retrieved from:

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