A house specialty with no hidden agendas, sure to lift your spirits. Comes with genuine goodwill and in packs so you can share them with your friends and loved ones – with our consent of course!
Internet cookies are small amounts of data that are gathered while you surf the internet. They allow websites to remember preferences or other kinds of information about you for the next time you will visit that very website.
Like many other things, they can be used for the good and for the bad. Your mission is to be aware of which information they are taking from you and how they are using it. Think about it, is it worth it?
Here are some examples of website might use cookies:
To remember your login information
To remember your category preferences on news websites
To remember what you’ve put in your cart on e-commerce websites
To send you targeted ads
There can be many more, just be mindful of which cookies you want to eat and which ones you want to leave for others.
1: Kreso, I., Kapo, A., & Turulja, L. (2020). Data mining privacy preserving: Research agenda. WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. doi:10.1002/widm.1392
2: Pierson, J., & Heyman, R. (2011). Social media and cookies: challenges for online privacy. info.