Some Articles
EAVI Weekly Media Digest #1
Introducing the EAVI Weekly Digest. It's a brief summary of some of the things that have happened or have been written during the week regarding media literacy and media in general in Europe and elsewhere. [...]
Media Literacy for Full Citizenship | Our Debate at the European Parliament
“Investing in media literacy means investing in people. There is no better investment Europe can make”. This was the message delivered by EAVI’s secretary general, Paolo Celot at the European Parliament in Brussels on Wed 22nd June.
New Project: My Story | Migration and Media
EAVI and partners are happy to announce that we have been successful in our Europe for Citizens project application, titled My Story - Media and Migrants.
Save The Internet: Citizens Can Have Their Say On Europe’s Net Neutrality Laws
The barriers for internet access are the same for everyone, however that could all change dramatically if telecommunication companies and ISPs are able to exploit loopholes in the current European net neutrality regulatory agreements.
Conference: European Citizenship in Challenging Times
From May 31st to June 2nd, EAVI participated to the conference European Citizneship in Challenging Times at the University of Barcelona. Organised by the European Observatory on Memories (EUROM) and supported by the European Commission.
EAVI at EuroDig 2016
EAVI particpated in the dialogue on Internet governance (EuroDIG) on 9-10 June, in Brussels.