Some Articles
Paulo Freire: Beyond adult literacy
By Venício Arthur de Lima, UnB Professor, and Marco Antonio Rodrigues Dias, UnB Professor and Member of the EAVI Advisory Committee Recently, the International Journal of Education (CIEPS-Alliance Sorbonne Université) published a dossier [...]
A forced detox : FB outage stories
Facebook and its family of apps, such as Instagram and WhatsApp, were down for several hours during Monday evening, illustrating how dependent the world has become on these platforms. All over the world, people [...]
Filter bubbles: No, thanks!
It is easy to acquire the impression that you are getting the same information as everyone else on the internet. However, every time you get online, algorithms record the things you search for, save [...]
Social Media and Gender: A Tricky Combination
Media have inundated our lives. The Internet is the dominant source of information and social media is the main communication channel. In Europe, more than 50% of the European people used social media in [...]
Brexit: the loss of the audio-visual market on the EU soil
Brexit is a fraught issue beset by ongoing uncertainties. It seems no part of the UK’s international and domestic life has been left untouched, the self-inflicted blow to the UK’s hard power has come [...]
Media in the global learning crises and pandemia
By Tapio Varis, Professor Emeritus To be published in 2021 by “Media. Information. Communication” (MIC), Moscow Pedagogical State University, The world is facing serious socio-economic impact as the consequence of the pandemic. [...]