Category: Media Literacy


1906, 2017

Interview: Children of Media Project in Croatia Wins Prize for Media Literacy

June 19th, 2017|Categories: Article, Interview, Media Literacy, Projects|Tags: , |

We spoke to Danijel Labas about the project Djeca medija (Children of Media) from the DKMK (Association for Communication and Media Culture) in Zagreb, Croatia. Danijel is the The project recently won the award of Special Jury Prize from the Evens Foundation's 2017 Media Literacy Prize.

2905, 2017

Choose Your Words Wisely

May 29th, 2017|Categories: Article, Media Literacy|

One of the recommendations on the path to enlightenment (for us ordinary people towards some wisdom), it is the so called ‘right speech’ – talk to others with the intention not to cause harm, but rather assist, inspire and uplift.

2104, 2017

Support a Copyright for Educators in Europe

April 21st, 2017|Categories: Article, Campaign, Copyright, Media Literacy|

EAVI fully supports rightcopyright, COMMUNIA's campaign for a better copyright for education in Europe. Although some copyright exceptions exist for education, a lot has changed in education practice since Europe last updated copyright rules in 2001 and it may be a long time before we see another review. It is important that we get copyright right RIGHT NOW!

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