Tag: Awareness


2609, 2018

EAVI Conducts Media Literacy Workshop at the Autistic Women’s Retreat 2018

September 26th, 2018|Categories: Event, Workshop|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

On 22 September, EAVI attended the 2018 Autistic Women’s Retreat in Oxfordshire, UK to hold a workshop on media literacy for 15 participants – all autistic women from Britain, USA and Sweden. The workshop focused on media literacy concepts, and specific issues facing autistic women in their relationship with the media, both in terms of representation and participation. The workshop opened with an introduction to media literacy, using EAVI’s tried and tested six questions and three examples formula, three media messages were broken down and analysed by way of example. As the last media [...]

1409, 2018

Are you aware of your Digital Footprint?

September 14th, 2018|Categories: Article, Digital Literacy, EU Affairs, Europe, Information Literacy, Media Literacy, Privacy, Security, Skills, Tracking|Tags: , , , |

Recently, EAVI and the European Digital Learning Network (DLEARN), in collaboration with Prof. Przemek Sękalski of the Technical University of Lodz, worked together in developing an EU survey that analyses citizens awareness regarding their digital footprint. The survey aims to analyse how much control participants exercise over this digital footprint and how much control they wish they could have as well are looking at the safety aspects they would like to see in place in the future! The aim is to study the results to highlight potential areas in education and training that could be [...]

409, 2018

Online Shopping – A Cautionary Tale in Four Letters

September 4th, 2018|Categories: Article, Digital Literacy, Media Literacy, Skills|Tags: , , |

This week, our very own communications officer demonstrated the necessity of paying attention when ordering online. We give to you this rollercoaster of events in four emails. To: Customer Service 00.14AM 29 August 2018 Dear sir I recently ordered a package from [Retailer]. It was to be delivered by [Courier] this evening. The [Courier] parcel tracker service tells me that a delivery attempt was made this evening. However, I have been in all evening, working at my computer, at a window which faces out onto the road, in silence, and with my dog beside me. [...]

1902, 2016

A Journey to Media Literacy 2: Awareness

February 19th, 2016|Categories: Cartoons, Our Cartoons|Tags: , , |

About What am I doing? After an adventurous journey, Jack has finally landed on the media literacy island. There are five different paths in front of him and he takes one: Awareness. His next adventure begins... Watch it in HD! Enjoy the second episode of A Journey to Media Literacy! We would love to have your comments! Credits A story by Paolo Celot and Susie Jones

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